Effective Date: May 1st, 2020

These User Terms of Service (the “User Terms”) govern your access and use of our online workplace productivity tools and platform (the “Services”). Please read them carefully. Even though you are signing onto an existing workspace, these User Terms apply to you as a user of the Services. We are grateful you’re here.

First things First

These User Terms are Legally Binding

These User Terms are a legally binding contract between you and us. As part of these User Terms, you agree to comply with the most recent version of our Acceptable Use Policy, which is incorporated by reference into these User Terms. If you access or use the Services, or continue accessing or using the Services after being notified of a change to the User Terms or the Acceptable Use Policy, you confirm that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by the User Terms and the Acceptable Use Policy. “We”, “our” and “us” currently refers to the applicable Slack entity in the Contract (defined below).

Customer’s Choices and Instructions

You are an Authorized User on a Workspace Controlled by a “Customer”

An organization or other third party that we refer to in these User Terms as “Customer” has invited you to a workspace (i.e., a unique domain where a group of users may access the Services, as further described in our Help Center pages). If you are joining one of your employer’s workspaces, for example, Customer is your employer. If you are joining a workspace created by your friend using her personal email address to work on her new startup idea, she is our Customer and she is authorizing you to join her workspace.

What This Means for You—and for Us

Customer has separately agreed to our Customer Terms of Service or entered into a written agreement with us (in either case, the “Contract”) that permitted Customer to create and configure a workspace so that you and others could join (each invitee granted access to the Services, including you, is an “Authorized User”). The Contract contains our commitment to deliver the Services to Customer, who may then invite Authorized Users to join its workspace(s). When an Authorized User (including, you) submits content or information to the Services, such as messages or files (“Customer Data”), you acknowledge and agree that the Customer Data is owned by Customer and the Contract provides Customer with many choices and control over that Customer Data. For example, Customer may provision or deprovision access to the Services, enable or disable third party integrations, manage permissions, retention and export settings, transfer or assign workspaces, share channels, or consolidate your workspace or channels with other workspaces or channels, and these choices and instructions may result in the access, use, disclosure, modification or deletion of certain or all Customer Data. Please check out our Help Center pages for more detail on our different Service plans and the options available to Customer.